
Sexual Ritual | Inviting the Dragon | Imbolc

Year of Dragon, Intimacy Ritual, Sex ritual, couples ritualm Imbloc, Febuary Ritual, Februalia, Candlemas, Lupercalia, St. Valentines Day, Valentine's Day Ritual for couples, St. Brigid's Day Feast ritual, Cupid's Blessing Ritual, Awakening Ritual, Spring Ritual, Inviting the dragon, Purification ritual, Cleansing Ritual, Awaken sexuality, Connection ritual, subMrs, husDOM, Marriage's Sexiest Secret, Secret Intimacy Coach

Sexual Ritual

A sexual ritual is a sexual practice, ceremony, custom, protocol, observance, or an act or action. These rituals can be themed, be casual or highly formalized, and could have religious or spiritual nuances.


These rituals can be done by a couple anytime of the year but know it is said that when these are done with intension on full moons or specific times and dates of the year, they are more powerful. The sexual or intimacy ritual I want to share with you in this article is one most connected to a certain time of the year, early Spring, the month of February, the first day of the month celebrates Imbolc and would be considered the most powerful of days. Although, remember you can do this anytime of the year, I suggest to schedule February 1st or between the days of February 1-15th as these days are filled with traditional festivals and holidays such as Imbolc, Februalia, Candlemas, Lupercalia, St. Brigid’s Day, and St. Valentine’s Day. If you can not schedule during this time range, anytime in February will work as it is the month of purification.

I’ve combined many different parts of these rituals mentioned above to make up “Inviting the Dragon” ritual. This ritual is done to invite the dragon into your body as to start a warmth and awaken your sexual energy for the cumming year.


Modern day, Imbolc is mostly celebrated out of all the above mentioned holiday/festivals. Imbolc is a Gaelic traditional festival. It marks the beginning of spring, and for Christians, it is the feast day of Saint Brigid, Ireland’s patroness saint. It is held on 1 February, which is about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Imbolc is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals, along with: Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain and is fifty percent of the make up of the Pagan wheel of the year.

Inviting the Dragon

Inviting the Dragon is what we call this particular sexual ritual and it is very powerful to put into practice early spring or on Imbolc. As Imbolc is about the first awakening, quickening and prepping for the first small amount of Spring’s warmth and the earth’s fertility and renewal. This ritual is about awaking a sexual sleepy spirit from its winter rest and prepping our bodies to be able to accept the dragon and its fire that we are about to invite into our bodies and relationship.

Dragons are considered devine. They are earth’s guardians who harness the life force of creation and unconditional love. Dragon’s represent the balance between our powerful masculine and sensual feminine energies, dragons, represent our yin and yang. To ride the dragon is to learn and to grow, to be bold and burn away all that no longer serves you. The Green Dragon is the protector of the East and essence of Spring. It uses its fire’s energy in the turning of the earth. These green energetics help push forth new beginnings. 

Ready to burn, but first we warm things up with the sexual ritual, Inviting the Dragon.

The Ritual

Shopping List

One of the most fun things is preparing for an Intimacy Ritual. Yeah SHOPPING! Also, know your shopping list will only be this size when doing this for the first time. You can keep all your supplies in a trunk or in a container to use for other rituals or holidays.

  • 2 different scented lotions/body creams. One to represent each participant.
  • String, ribbon or rope, enough to circle off an area that you both will lay in.
  • faux fur blanket or hide
  • Grapes
  • 2 favorite juice or liquors for each partner, make sure mixable. You can even go healthy and just use waters. Strawberry syrup and milk (Red & White colors.) is a great combo also
  • 2 shot glasses
  • bowl (drink from)
  • Candles; 1 pink, 1 red, 1 white, 1 yellow (tapers, votive, pillar, tea-light, massage)
  • Small Trinkets, something gold, something yellow (crystals, flower, earring), heart, Ivy, wolf, coin, sunshine.
  • A Cloth, Flogger or Crop (You don’t have to use BDSM tools, but this is a great addition to this certain ritual.)

Clean & Cleanse

Before any ritual you must do a clean and a cleanse. Clean the area where your ritual will take place and Cleanse the air and your bodies so that any negative energy is swept away and not absorbed with your new powerful dragon energy. You can write in the clean and cleanse as part of this ritual as it is one of the key steps in the ritual, purification.

Part of cleaning is cleaning our bodies, prepping them like the olds would prep the soil before beginning tilling the earth. You and your partner can ready your own bodies or help each other prepare. Clean meaning, wax, shave, scrub, polish your body. Leave off lotions as you will be applying those to each other as part of the ritual.

This also means preparing your body for physical intimacy. Pre-lube does wonderful things. You can do this with a quick 20 min self “wet session” in the mood room on the Marriage’s Sexiest Secret Discord channel with or without toys and use a pre-lubrication before the ritual. Don’t forget to prep your mind, familiarize yourself with the ritual. Always, a good idea to talk through the entire ritual with your partner before in a downtime discussion.

Cleansing your ritual space with a quick burning of a smudge bundle of your choice. A quick intentional walk through while your stick smokes, clearing the energy away and clearing the way for new dragon energy to enter.

The Set Up

We are assuming your ritual space is your bedroom. Find a large enough area for you and your partner to lay down. Make sure to try to orient your ritual in any way you can to face the east.

After smudging, you need to get out your rope, ribbon or string and make a circle around your ritual space. Do not close the circle until you start your ritual.

Next, you need to lay down your fur blanket or hide.

To the side on a small table, tray, or altar place your candles. The flame from these candles is a representation of Brigid, the goddess of fire & flame. She is the earth goddess turning the seasons from winter to spring.

These candles Light them before you begin your ritual.

  • Pink, for cupid’s blessing
  • Red, for the dragon’s fire and respect for St. Valantine
  • White, divination and purification

You can add small representations onto your tray, little trinkets that you already may have around the house.

  • Heart, Representing marriage. love and intimacy.
  • Wolf represents Juno, the protector of marriage.
  • A Dragon or dragon blood crystal, burn dragon resin or terragon inviting the spirit of the dragon into your ritual.
  • Grapes or Ivy represents Faunus, the wish for fertility for the coming year. Fertility can be literal or figuratively. It can be body, mind or even financial. Add a coin to send financial fertility for the cumming year.
  • You must add a little figure of sunshine or something yellow or gold a crystal or a gold earring. This color will represent the warmth of the sun-king.

Tray & prepare drink of choice 2 different drinks, one representing each one of you. (Even better if they can combine and complement one another). Pour two separate shot glasses of your chosen drinks. then in the middle have a chalice or bowl to mix your drinks.


Dim the lights, put on some low music of your choice. Go get NAKED as you must show up in your clean and prepped body and its birthday suit. Light your candles and enter the circle together. Tie off the circle and then stand in the middle hold hands facing each other and raise your hands to form a bridge, walk forward then slowly widen arms, down to your sides, still holding hands. This is forming an intensional lover’s bubble or sphere. Everything for the ritual must stay inside the circle made.

First, you must prep your body, your skin, the soil. Each person takes a turn putting their specific scent lotion onto one another. Deep Breath, take in the burning of candles and any incenses.

Each person says to the other:

Two souls become one, just as our two scents become one.

Next, sit down and pull out your tray with drinking liquids, pour both shot glasses with your liquid of choice. With individual intension each person shoot their glass with happiness in who they are. Then, refill your liquid shot glass once again. With intension as a couple that is about to blend and become one;

Repeat the following to one another and then both pour your shot’s liquid into the drinking bowl or chalice.

I offer my spirit to enter yours, as these liquid mingle and blend.

Once liquid’s are combined, both partner’s say together;

With this drink we invite the dragon to bring light and fire into our bodies and souls.

Then each partner drinks from the chalice. After, set aside your drink tray.

Greeting the dragon is the next step. One partner, the one that feels closer to dragon energy, meaning, physically strong, energetic, and outspoken.

Great old dragon, guardian of the fire, bring warmth to our sleeping souls. Help our hearts beat as one and rekindle our intimacies as spring approaches. Please bring with you good fortune.

From your great fire, our small flames can grow.

The mixture of the dragon and the deities have created the energy that allows magical sexual intimacy. This is where you and your partner can start intimate foreplay and begin riding the dragon’s energy, have great sex. This is when one partner can lay down and have the other partner flog and or crop them as was done during Lupercalia. Then both of you explore one another. Very important to watch when and where your bodies join and celebrate it!

Once your joining of bodies is over. Both partners need to thank the dragon and all the deities of the past for joining the ritual and release them. Blow out the candles and any burnings and open the circle of rope. Do NOT forget aftercare. Do not forget to mark February 1st on every annual calendar for this special ceremony between you and your partner.


Personally, physical intimacy rituals or sexual rituals are something my husband and I came upon in our early years of practicing Dominance and submission in the bedroom. I love to give myself, my body and my mind to him in the safety of our bedroom. I crave his sexual dominance and control. I give to him and in turn receive what every wife really WANTS, that emotional intimacy ( be seen, acknowledged and validated in who we are and in turn be …… ACCEPTED! Knowing that he is truly, madly, deeply in love with who you are, and he will have your back no matter the circumstances, and finally, he is the yang to your yin. While on the opposite side, my husband, in this role gains that unconditional respect, admiration and physical intimacy that he so desperately craves.

The thing we do is fun, energetic and has taught us all types of intimate relationship building skills. A magical “grey area” that we can live. We are ever expanding a practice that brings our marriage great balance.

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