
MSS016 – Sex Machine

Fuck machine, sex machine, HISMITH


Today’s Voyeurs Glimpse:

Today’s Voyeurs Glimpse ..You know you want a peek inside! Wink ..Wink…  We have VERY SPECIAL GUESTS TODAY

Our SEXY resident workshop elf, Rianne, and her Sex Machine & Sir, the Greek GOD, Sir Erebus, are our GUESTs on the podcast today.  We will be talking to them both about their couples workshop and their personal review of THE SEX MACHINE  … AKA THE FUCK MACHINE.  

Maybe you don’t even know what one is, or maybe you have seen them and want to learn more about them.  Either way, our guests today have done a lot of research on the topic and also own, use, and LOVE their fuck machine.

 Rianne has been subMrs sex toy review consultant for many years now.  The podcast episode is an introduction to her and her Dominant husband and a deep dive into the pros and cons of owning and operating a sex machine.
 The couple had recently facilitated a virtual couples video presentation reviewing their sex machine and what they have learned along their personal journey.  Whether you are interested in the same brand fuck machine or possibly a different but similar product, you will be interested in learning about their personal experience with their toys.


Intimacy Coaching 

LK here your resident intimacy coach & martial influencer. Just wanted to remind everyone that I offer life, energy coaching, with my main focus being intimacy for individuals and couples. I mentor coach our start up method of D|s-M, walking you through how to begin a D|s-M dynamic. . I offer sessions for situational clarity, meaning helping you get through any situation in your intimate journey, vanilla or twisted. I can help you find answers to Even the ultimate question if D|S-M is for you and your partner! You can find more information at SecretIntimacyCoach.com or sign up for a session. You have direct access to me through subMrs.com Discord Community. Hope to Chat Soon! 

Show Notes

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Fuck machine, sex machine, HISMITH


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MSS016 Fuck Machine Final

Tue, Mar 14, 2023 4:29PM • 1:11:28


machine, toy, thought, toys, attachment, dildo, research, airbus, scene, add, dominance, mind, people, talk, partner, app, bought, couple, dp, chat


Sir Erebus, Mr Fox , Little Kaninchen, Rianne

Little Kaninchen  

Do you want to know a secret secret? Do you want to have a secret? A dirty little secret? A secret that you build and share with your spouse? A secret that’s so magical and so intimate in ways you could only imagine. Oh, come on, wink wink, you must be the smallest bit curious. Marriage has a sexy new secret, secret relationship accessory of sorts. The secret fulfills the wife’s need for a deep emotional connection with her husband, and the husband’s desire for his wife’s trust and respect. Come fall down the rabbit hole, or Mr. Fox and I share our secret Our secrets they will inspire you to explore, create and build marital sexual magic and better your communication skills. Let us take you on a journey that leads you both to what you desire most a sexy successful marriage. So pick up that bottle that says drink me go ahead toss it back. In other words, drink the Kool Aid. We can give you all the edge without you or your marriage ever getting cut.

Mr Fox   

Greetings from LK and Mr. Fox today’s sexiest marital influencers and marriages Wonderland resonant Fox inherit today we are your host and hostess to your favorite flavor of erotic madness marriages sexiest secret are you ready to experience the chase and to marry dominance and submission? Come with us down the rabbit hole and into the foxes den. Welcome to marriages sexiest secret podcast!

Little Kaninchen  

Today’s voyeurs glimpse you know you want to peek inside wink wink, we have a very special guests today are sexy resident workshop elf Rianne and her sex machine and Sir the Greek gods are Aerobus our guests on the podcast today, we will be talking to them about their couples workshop and their personal review of the sex machine. Also known as the fuck machine.

Mr Fox   

Maybe you don’t even know what one is. Or maybe you’ve seen them and want to learn more about them. Either way, our guests today have done a lot of research on the topic and also own and use and love theirs. So get ready to rev those engines. Let’s go.

Little Kaninchen  

Okay, here your resident intimacy coach and marital influencer. Just wanted to remind everyone that I offer life energy coaching with a main focus being intimacy for individuals and couples. I mentor coach our startup method of D/s-M, walking you through how to begin a D/s-M dynamic. I offer sessions for situational clarity, meaning that I’m helping you get through any situation in your intimate journey, vanilla or twisted, I can help you find answers to even the ultimate question. If D/s-M is for you and your partner, you can find more information at secret intimacy coach.com. Or sign up for a session right there. You have direct access to me through some mises.com Discord community. Hope to chat soon.

Mr Fox   

I just want to thank you guys for being on our podcast today and sharing your experience and your thoughts with the fuck machine with Okay, and I and everybody listening to the podcast.

I’d be here. I wouldn’t be here.

Mr Fox   

So one of the things that LK and I were talking about is how amazing and professional the entire setup was. I was so impressed with just the way that it came out. And it was amazing because this Arabist is your debut, right?

It was my debut.

Mr Fox   

So are you nervous about it?

Sir Erebus  

Not really, I present for my job. So you know, for me it was treated exactly that way. It was another product demo.

Mr Fox   

Yeah, you can tell. And I mean, necessarily and you know me pretty well so don’t give compliments unless they’re sincere. But I really mean it. I mean, it really showed you look totally natural. Like it was your 100 and fifth episode of a fuck machine. Yeah, very natural. It was pretty good. And so Rianne I’m wondering with that said You’ve always been the Toy Elf here, right? So you never had anybody with you sharing the stage. So was it difficult, like doing it with another person? Or was it? Was it just natural because it’s Arabist. And you guys clicked together anyway?


Well, it was very natural. I just shared my outline that I use every month for my toy reviews. And I told them, we kind of follow the same format. And I literally just put in the note Aerobus will talk right now, you know, so there wasn’t a whole lot of pre planning. And he did a great job just jumped right in. And he knew all the technical aspects and some of the things that we worked through. And it worked really well.

Mr Fox   

That’s interesting, because, like, I didn’t even see the notes. Really, it looked like you guys had, if that’s the case, like you’ve practiced it 100 times. I mean, it just looks so natural.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah, the presentation was a 10 for sure. Yeah.

Mr Fox   

And when you say two, he knows all the technical stuff. If you guys could go back and see it for yourself. I mean, it was just great. But it makes sense. Aerobus because you say that that’s what you do. Right? You’re you’re making presentations and talking about technical data and things like that. So exactly. came out really nice. The other thing that struck me was I love what you guys wore what you have on Aerobus

I had my my cold t shirt.

Mr Fox   

It says asked me about my cart with our with our logo on it. I loved it. Loved it.

Little Kaninchen  

And then on the back it says be one of us to be one of us. Yes. Right.

Mr Fox   

And then Rihanna love your outfit too. You wear the same thing when you do your reviews. Yes, I

do. I’m the toil so it’s all about being an actual you know, Christmas elf. So I wear my elf hat. My my ELF t shirt. And I do that every month.

Mr Fox   

Yeah, I love it. You guys look great. The whole thing looked amazing. I thought Thank you. The setup the lighting the sound. I mean, it was incredible. It was also a couple’s night, here at night. Spirits night Yes. Okay, what is spirits night,

Little Kaninchen  

there’s night, we have once a month, where the whole community gets together and brings their own spirits with them. Sometimes we have a toast and sometimes we just get toasted. It’s a lot of fun. And it kind of pulls people out of their shell and we get people talking more because the Spirit kind of helps them along and this month we were you know very happy we could combine spirit night with our workshop and to have the dominance or the you know, the dominant partners view on the toy was super valuable. I feel like that really made a big difference especially in something like a fuck machine where we’re not so much controlling it but your partner’s controlling it.

Mr Fox   

Yeah. It is bringing back memories now. And it seems like a long time ago when we did it even though it was a week or two ago. But I think I was the only one in spirits night that was drinking water. Yeah, because I was on the road. But

Little Kaninchen  

Airbus was drinking something really special.

I was a Celtic honey. Celtic Honey.

Mr Fox   

Yeah. Yeah. I believe you said it was actually from Ireland. Right?

It is. Let’s say, Honey base. Whiskey.


Mr Fox   

Yeah, I can’t wait to try that. Yeah, so you have to bring some over Aerobus All right. Where do you get it?

We actually bought a store locally here. Okay. Nice that they had it. I accidentally ran into it. But it sounded good. And very good.

Mr Fox   

I look forward to drinking that I seriously do. We’ll toast some spirit. And speaking of Ireland, I think I’m going to be in Dublin Ireland on Wednesday for about an hour nonetheless,

Little Kaninchen  

sounds so much more romantic until he says for about an hour.

Mr Fox   

Oh my gosh. It sounds like you’re jet setting all over the world. So yes, things but yeah, for for about an hour, but I’m gonna be there. That’d be great.

Little Kaninchen  

Say hi to everybody.


Mr Fox   

And you always cracked me up too because I remember so what was your drink of choice that night?

Well, actually, it was Celtic. Honey. Oh, well, but some cranberry juice in there. Okay. No, but I did have I did bring out my I think I did my wine. Straw bottle. Yeah, my wine bottle straw. Yep.

Mr Fox   

So that’s what I remember is the straw. Yes. Yes.

So my big long straw that fits right in the wine bottle.

Little Kaninchen  

And then it’s like your own very special sippy cup. It is. You just keep it in the in the refrigerator. Your door. Yeah. And then take your SIM in the kitchen. Yep. Gonna have a lot of fun doing the dishes, then it makes the dishes much more tolerable.

Yeah, totally sure Dan gets called out for specials.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah. Oh, yeah, I like that special juice, for sure. I like it. It’s funny.

Mr Fox   

Another thing about that chat that I remember that I found amazing. Kind of cruel in a way, but not really kind of something that dominant would do. Definitely something Aerobus would do. And I know this for a fact, because he did it. But it’s like the practice makes perfect. Right? So right before you guys came on to do your toy review on the fuck machine? Aerobus had a, I was gonna say quick. I don’t know how long it was right? I really don’t know.

But it wasn’t quick.

Mr Fox   

He wanted to make sure that all the details were fresh in his mind and remains mine that way they could give a proper review and not leave anything else. So

lucky, my brains weren’t scrambled. So they were but I think that really,

Little Kaninchen  

that was working on your feet, like you really, you know, did not notice that you had just basically had a wonderful scene and trying out the actual machine that you were focused on that evening.

Mr Fox   

I don’t know how that conversation went. But I could see if I said no, okay, we’re gonna try this out. We’re gonna use this real quick. I just you’re saying no, no. That’d be like, No, really? You know, get in there. Let’s go. Well,

there was a little bit of that. When I said it initially seems like what? I said, Yeah, I mean, it makes sense. You know, practice makes perfect. And to me, if I’m going to talk about the technical details, I need to make sure I test all the ways I can control this with, you know, the manual dial and with the app and just seems logical to me to, to work through it. Literally.

Mr Fox   

Absolutely. I mean, if you were going to present at work, you would do the same thing, right? You just would shut the parking lot and jump out, you’d kind of review your notes go over what you’re going to talk about. Yeah. It makes perfect sense. At first, I thought it was cool. And then I thought no, that makes perfect sense. And that’s a great idea.


I wouldn’t ever do anything for

Mr Fox   

No, that’s got Aerobus written all over it. I think it was I think it was very clever.

Little Kaninchen  

I think it’s perfect.

Well, I have to admit, I did enjoy it.

Little Kaninchen  

Well admitted. It’s okay. Yeah, I did.

Mr Fox   

So Aerobus one of the things with you is that I know that you spend a fortune in toys, and that’s probably why you guys became the Toy Elf. I say that seriously. I have a lot of money and toys. And I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you and I think you have more money in toys than I do. By far. That’s saying a lot. It is really saying a lot. Like I don’t know anybody that has more toys.

Little Kaninchen  

But it’s perfect because she’s a 12. And she loves, you know, giving and getting gifts. And that’s her love language. So it’s perfect love language for what the thing we do.

Yeah. Yeah, that’s true. That does work out for us.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah. And it’s not like you’re both aren’t gonna get little pleasure from those presents.


Mr Fox   

But again, I think it fits right with who Aerobus is, like, it’s his research, right? So for example, like, and I know you have several manufacturers that are close to the same, but so how many bad dragon dildos? You guys have?

We have five or six of the bad dragons.

Mr Fox   

Right? And then you have another manufacturer sort of the same thing. And you have how many?

Yeah, that’s a pleasure Forge. And we’ve got how many of those seven I think,

Mr Fox   

right? So this this proves my point. Like if I had a bad dragon dildo, I would be like, Hey, I’ve got a bad dragon dildo, but Airbus is mindset. Oh, my God, I got this one. But I’m gonna have to do the research and compare it to this one. Exactly. This one, and then oh, they have another model? And then yeah, so like, like, you are deep into research on toys. Yeah, like, legitimately, it’s just who else?

Little Kaninchen  

What do you want doing? You know, doing a toy workshop, then the person that really has the items and are using the items, that’s the best person to, to have as our workshop leaders. So yeah,

exactly. have knowledge. Right? And you are right, where I researched them because I look at them and say, you know, whatever manufacturer is making them, hey, we have something that already looks something like this or is similar to this. So let’s get something different. So all of the ones he has, which I believe the total of 13 of them now something like that 1314 But they’re all different. They’re fundamentally different. So it’s a different look and feel different textures, different firmness, you know, different sizes, that kind of thing. So that, you know, you can keep going A lot of, I guess, vary things quite a bit. Right. So it’s never a boring time. And there’s enough that you can cycle through them. And never feel like you’ve done this one, you know, too many times or whatever. So it’s important to me to make sure that she gets a lot of variety like,

Mr Fox   

yeah. Which again, I think LK was just saying, that’s what makes you guys perfect for this, because you’re not doing that, to come on our podcast and talk about him like that is authentically who you are like, it really is research. Yeah. And like, what value or what can I get out of this product? Let me let me try this one because I see something else I can do. And then the other thing that makes you amazing that I think most people would be super interested in is that you’re always looking for value. Like you’re not just like, Well, that one’s you know, whatever, the most expensive, it must be the best. You’re always like, Well, wait a minute, well, how can I get that? Right and not break the piggy bank?

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah, one of the things on some misses is sometimes the most inexpensive little ways or tools are sometimes the best. Like, I think we have a you know, Pro, but that has been our favorite thing for the last 10 years. And, and it was like, I don’t know, maybe 1295? Yeah, and it’s a piece of glass. And it, you know, yeah, it’s been our favorite, one of our favorite stays in the, in our top 10 all the time. So. And like you like arrobas said, variety is so important. That’s what I think is so valuable about what Rianne does, on some misses every single month is we’re bringing people variety, so it doesn’t get boring. And then, of course, we know that a lot of times the submissive partner brings the toys to their, you know, sir and says, Hey, let’s try this, you know, and then they’re ordering away. And how many times have you heard the ladies come back and say, Oh, I got this, ya know, that we reviewed two months ago.

Exactly. And I love the way that everybody will ask questions or give their input. And it’s, you know, it’s like, it’s live. And you have real experience. And so then they bring all that information to their sir. Okay, this is what I heard at the review. And this is what, you know, Rianne said this was her experiences is what first her thought of it. And then maybe some of the other ladies already had experience with it. So they would, you know, also write on submissive to their opinion, and what happened when they use the toy or tool. And I just think it’s wonderful. And so many people have bought that toy after we’ve had the review. Yes,

Little Kaninchen  

yeah. And then they were, you know, ran always ask them to review it in discussion forums of the workshop and the workshop group. And oh, my goodness, I think what is the is it the Thumper? What is the one we reviewed a couple months ago that has just,

yeah. What was the? Yeah, yeah, the ask them for

some Yeah. With the handle with the handle?

Little Kaninchen  

Yes. How many people lately man have like bought that piece? Like, I mean, I think at least five or six of the ladies in the community have posted that they have bought that in the last one.

Exactly, exactly. And then shared their experiences. And even though there’s a primary purpose for a toy or a tool, everybody has their own experience, and maybe they use it a different way. And just the ideas that we share, I’m like, oh, yeah, I

never thought of it that way. That’s what I love about it. So it’s, this is a really fun job doing this every month. Well, that’s the power of community, right? You get different perspectives. Even when we did the machine the other night, there was somebody will already have it, or somebody will have others. So it was nice to hear how they use it. And, you know, both good and bad experiences they had with it. Make everyone better.

Mr Fox   

That’s one of the things that went through my mind is that people brought their machines to share as well. Yeah. And it wasn’t just the same machine. It wasn’t just, you know, the Highsmith that you guys have purchased people brought other ones and they got to talk about the pros and the cons of what they purchase. So it was, you know, it was way more information even than just the one Highsmith. Right. So I find that, like, you’re talking about community and I just find that information so valuable, like where to begin right.

Little Kaninchen  

And how to use it like Ryan mentioned, oh, my goodness, like, there’s things that of course, went through my mind because like basically said, Oh, what about this, but um, it was amazing, like they have the stand up attachment to that, which I had no idea Uh, you know, so that was super interesting and the retrofitting that Airbus has done, which I’d like him to talk a little bit about that. And I’d like that had never entered my mind that you could maybe retrofit some of your specific favorite dodos for those machines. So Airbus, you want to tell us a little bit about your retrofitting idea, like, where did it come from? Like, what made you think of that?

Well, I’m an engineer. And so when I saw a need, I have to find a solution for it. And when I saw was that one of the attachments that we had bought, did not work well, for her. And for her, she couldn’t handle the textures and stuff on that when the material was made up. So we actually went out the next day, to one of the local adult stores and found one that would work for her based on, you know, size, say, you know, the, it was much smoother, that kind of thing. And so I just started thinking, well, the one that we purchased had a quick lock attachment. And I saw that it’s basically the same material. So I was able to pull that quick lat attachment out, take the new filter that we bought, drill it out to about inch and a quarter depth, and put that quick lock attachment in it. And it worked perfect. So it’s just kind of the way my brain works. I’m a problem solver.

Little Kaninchen  

I love you know, reengineering something. And that way that makes it so much better. Like you can use dildos that are specifically the most pleasurable to you. Yes, or your partner. I just think that’s great.

Mr Fox   

And I think especially these things are expensive. So you had one couldn’t you couldn’t use it. So it was didn’t have any value to you, and you adapted it? Well, it was a little,

it was disheartening at first, because, you know, you decide on this big purchase, and it’s a lot of money in Arabic did a lot of research, and we’re all excited. And then using that dildo was, it just didn’t work. It was not comfortable. Too many textures and material didn’t feel right. And I was totally bummed. Of course I was, you know, thinking, Oh, this isn’t going to work. It’s a waste of money. Not Aerobus? Hmm, let me think about this one. And he even changed some things up on the fly, and was able to adapt temporarily, so we could really get some enjoyment out of it the very first time we used it, and then engineering mind went to work. And oh, my gosh, it is it was heaven.

Little Kaninchen  

Right. And it made the money that you had to spend on such an item. So much more worth it. Oh, yeah. Because like we keep saying it’s a high ticket, it’s probably the most expensive or probably close to the most expensive item that you will purchase during your what you do. So like we said, we all do our research. And that fact that you can retrofit with that machine is a big star.

Mr Fox   

That’s one of the things I was going to ask Airbus like, how did you I don’t know if you remember how you began the research? Or if that’s not even a good question. Maybe it would be like What attracted you when you started looking at it? What were the things? Because I don’t know if we set it or not, but you guys own a? It’s a high Smith Buck machine. Yep. What were the things that attracted you to this one, like what was standing out in your mind? Because it’s a big purchase, like, so? What were the things you’re like, this one’s the one I’m gonna choose?

Well, so I started looking at very specific things I look at, you know, some of the other people, like you said, brought there. And I did look at those to the different brands. And what I started looking at was what makes it useful for me what makes it what I think would be the best to adapt for our situation, number one, number two is durability of the item, right? So as I started looking, I started researching other people’s reviews too. And I found that some of the less expensive ones, you’d read about things like the motors burning out, or they weren’t very adjustable, or they were pretty flimsy, they didn’t have any weight to them. So the more I started looking at this one uses a really nice DC motor. That should last a long time. Plus, if it were to burn out after the warranty period, you can buy just the motor for it. So you don’t have to throw the whole thing away. You can buy replacement parts. And then for Functionality wise, I like the idea that there’s a rheostat rather than a regular manual dial that she could use or I could use, but it’s you know, it’s pretty lame. So it just either makes it faster or slower. But I love the fact that have the app and the app can make it variable. So that it can go not only fast and slow, but it’ll it’ll change up the rhythm. Any way you’d like in the app, and there’s in the app, there’s community, community programs that people have made. So that you could go in, it’s pretty much hands free, then. So I could say, Okay, I’m going to do this program for 20 minutes. And then it freed me up to, I did not have to control it all the time. So then you can have, you know, give me more involved, depending on what we’re wanting to do. So to me, those were all really valuable. And when it all came down to it, by the time I added the different attachment kits and stuff, because like I showed we have one that you can use even suction cup dildos, there’s a quick vacuum lock attachments that you can use for, again, adapting to, you know, even maybe those you already own. So I looked at, okay, it makes it really easy to use a lot of different items on this. I really liked a lot of that. And then they, they ran some pretty good discounts. And so by the time you got the discounting done, it was in the same range of some of the less expensive, less durable machine.

Mr Fox   

One of the things you said that I was thinking about, and I didn’t know this, because this is a huge benefit. But you said that if the motor burns out, right, you can actually get replacement parts. Yeah. Which I had no idea. But that adds a ton of value that your big investment now isn’t in the trash can and you’re off buying another one. Right, exactly. But like when we kill a hatachi one, we throw it away, and we buy another one. Yeah. I was thinking burning out the motor. And I’m thinking rands, probably sitting there saying, Yeah, I’ll burn this motor.

Little Kaninchen  

I hope I burn it out. Wouldn’t be what I was.

That’s my goal.

Mr Fox   

Yes. And the other thing I want to clarify, because I didn’t know that when you did the chat, I don’t remember that part. But the app when you were talking about the app, I thought that it was amazing, because it’s not just a linear, like you set the stroke, length, and a certain speed. So it’s just going the exact same pattern. And then like you say, if you want to do something else, right, if you want to make it a DP or spit roast or something like that, right, a monogamous fantasy, that you can’t get any other way, this is the only way to create that monogamous fantasy that I know of, I don’t know what else you could, I mean, I guess, I guess there are other things, right, maybe a suction dildo on a wall or something like that, I don’t really know. But this is the true like, you’re being worked from both hands. But the app, if I understand it, right, when you explained it, the other night is like somebody goes in and sets the parameters, like we want it to start off at this speed or this rhythm. And then slowly, it’s like a whole journey of somebody controlling it. Yep. But when I say somebody is just an app, like somebody created it, that isn’t involved, right, you just go download this journey, if you will,

there’s different samples out there. So people will name them, you know, like, one will be like, realistic or won’t be like, you know, beginner or whatever. And so, again, very naturally, this drip feed, but it’ll do the frequency too. So you can you can see it, sometimes it’ll ramp up literally on the app, you’ll see a ramp up, ramp up and speed and fast strokes, and then pull back and forth, and then drop down maybe to lower speed again, and be constant. So we’ll do these constant, and then you can have it like, like, let’s say, a sawtooth looking program, you’ll see it literally kind of go up, down, up, down, up down really quickly. It’ll pull it in and out faster. So it’s not just a constant stroke. And you can create your own programs. So there’s just a lot of them out in the community, but you can create your own based on whatever, you know, you may like.

It’s very realistic that way. You know, it’s just not right, one bead, you know, it’s just like, with your partner. It’s variable. It’s different. And so, I like that.

Mr Fox   

Yeah, that’s so important. Because I think during a scene that’s one of those things is a dominant, you have to figure out right, like, like when it’s going on, even when things are great. If you just go Oh, it’s great. I’m not going to make any changes eventually, you know, her mind begins to go and it’s like, well, you know, it would have been perfect if he would have moved me or whatever. Yeah, and as a dominant, you’re constantly doing that because you don’t want to change it too fast. But you don’t want to change it too late, no matter how good it is. And if it were the same rhythm all the time, it seems like it would almost

never Yeah, so in predicting When the predictability is the is really exciting.

Mr Fox   

Exactly. That’s a great way to put it. So when I’m looking for one now, it’s got to do that minimum for me, right? Because I know it’s out there. And I know I can get it for the price range of what other

Little Kaninchen  

something our couples should look for, you know, like something that can be programmed or has a program,

we thought that well worth the extra cost.

Mr Fox   

I love the app idea, because when you were presenting it during the video chat, you were talking about being able to do it from a distance from online. So I think everybody knows I travel quite a bit. And that would give me, you know, an opportunity to be able to do something with LK while I’m actually 1000 miles from home, which I thought was great.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah, traveling nurse. And LinkedIn would be a great option as well.

Yep. So you could use some kind of video chat app to while you’re doing it. And obviously, it’s not exactly like you, but it’s just like you being Yeah, so

Mr Fox   

like controlling it. And yeah, because I think from the app, I have the same control, right, I can either select somebody else’s program, or I can go in and control myself, right. Yeah. Yeah. Not as good as being there. But for somebody that’s gone so much. Like it definitely would add a completely different dynamic than what I have now. Exactly. So I thought that was amazing. Yeah, that would be exciting. On a personal level, like what do you guys think is probably the biggest reason that couples consider a fog machine?

Probably. Oh, I think the monogamous dp and spit roast and some of those fantasy type things, there’s just a whole lot of different things you can bring into the arena. And,

and I would say also, I mean, you know, a lot of times you don’t like to think about it, but you know, as man, there are times that we may have physical difficult to write so because of health reasons, or what have you. And I think this is a nice way to call augment your relationship, if you’re not able to, for whatever reason at the time, and, you know, have surgery or been ill or what have you, you can still satisfy your partner in a way that’s somewhat realistic, which I think is, you know, very important, because it it keeps I think the couple together, in even though it may not be exactly physical touch. I think it’s important to keep it together emotionally and sexually, like,

Mr Fox   

wow, I was thinking mostly what Rand said, but I mean, that’s super powerful, I think, right? And again, maybe you, you know, maybe you start off fine, but your scene is an hour long or two hours long. Yeah. Like, I mean, what a what a great way to enhance it.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah. I mean, you’re still getting the intimacy, yeah. of penetration. I mean, you’re still getting intimacy. And that’s what I teach. I just say it over and over on some misses all the time, that most of our couples what you would term midlife and there’s health situations like Aerobus mention, and a lot of midlife couples will just let their sex life dry up into a raisin because like they don’t, they, they’re embarrassed about the situation. But I encourage everybody, so what you know, like, Ed happens, it happens, I’m going to tell you, it’s not. If it happens to you, it’s when it happens to you. So I’m just saying that, you know, this is this machine and a dildo are no matter what it is, if you just keep it in the nightstand or under your pillow. Yeah, like those moments when something fails or even you know, even if you know this gives you an option to keep that intimate feeling between one another because that that is like the jelly, the peanut butter and jelly we talk about like that’s the jelly like that is what keeps things sweet. You know, you don’t just want peanut butter you want jelly to

Mr Fox   

under your pillow. Like I picture how LK is gonna grow this, like I’m picturing my mind now, like mounted on a tripod. You know, like back in the day with Rambo, and they got the 50 caliber on a tripod, like one of those

Little Kaninchen  

whatever and peanut butter and jelly.

Mr Fox   

I’m not sure how peanut butter and jelly fit in there. But I’m

Little Kaninchen  

just saying like, you know, you it’s so important to keep that this machine is like Arabist mentioned will keep that intimacy you need that penetrative. I mean, I’m not saying just figuratively, but like, literally, you need to have that with each other. And I think a lot of men get very uptight and very upset if things aren’t working down there. And like I said, it’s not if it’s gonna happen to you, it’s a win. It’s gonna happen, it’s going to eventually happen. And this is a tool, literally, to keep things fresh. And, you know, make sure that you’re still getting that real intimate.

Mr Fox   

Yeah, cuz the intimacy still there, I mean, you can still pull her hair up in the palm of your hand, you can still be given her orders, you can scratch your back, you can touch her, I mean, yeah, still there.

And just seeing how much Aerobus enjoys watching me enjoy myself is, you know, I mean, that is a huge turn on, you know, and whether or not he’s, you know, actively involved at that moment. He is just so excited about watching me enjoy myself that it just takes it to a whole nother level.

Mr Fox   

Right. And I think we’ve all his dominance, been there just like holding a wand, for example, right? We like need a third hand. So I would think that just being able to have that penetration going on and stand up and think, Okay, now what am I going to do? While that’s happening, right, like, it’s that

Little Kaninchen  

sometimes your third hand doesn’t work, right now. Sometimes your third hand can kind of let you down. That’s why we have these machines. It’s so important. Like, all these toys we’ve mentioned. I mean, man, I can’t think of anything we’ve mentioned that couldn’t take that place. Well, when you need it.

Yeah. And I’ll say that. I mean, yes, we’re talking specifically about the frog machine today. But I would have to encourage any dominant listening to this that, you know, don’t be afraid of these toys. I mean, I’ve talked to a man and a lot of men are afraid of it, they think it’s going to take their place. And that’s not the case. Plain and simple. Because as a dominant, it’s still our job to control some of these toys, right? To dole them out when and where they need to happen. So don’t be afraid of using any of these, you know, these toys, these marital aids, right? Because at the end of the day, it’s still the way we want to use them. Right. So don’t be afraid. I’ve heard too many people like that. That’s great

Mr Fox   


Little Kaninchen  

Yeah. And I think as you know, most women, I can say, we talked to Rihanna, and I, we wouldn’t even get the toys out if we didn’t have the partner. You know, I think a lot of a lot of us feel like that. Like, I’m not, not that it hasn’t gone through my mind to get the stuff out and use it. But it’s so much more pleasurable with your partner, and especially with this thing we do we want somebody to control things. Yep. So I think that’s really important to know that, yeah, it’s not gonna take anybody’s place. It’s just an enhancement.

And it’s control in a good way, by the way, not, not controlling, right? Yes. Controlling the good, fun way, the

sexy way.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah, yeah, that’s what I’m saying. Like, I don’t ever feel like I have to go to the cabinet, when he’s not here or whatever, unless he tells me to do something. That’s the only time I do that. And, you know, like, when you talk to other dominance, yeah, like, it’s not going to take your place. And I think that’s one that’s very common, serious fear, yeah, of husbands that, well, if I buy her like a 12 inch dildo, she’ll get used to that, and then she’s not gonna like mine anymore. Right? That’s just not, that’s somebody that hasn’t put it to the test. Exactly. My opinion.

And that’s why on all of the toy reviews, I always include Aerobus his opinion about that particular toy tool and, and how we used it, what he liked what he didn’t like, just so everybody has, you know, some firsthand knowledge of what my dominant thought about that. So they can also bring that information to theirs as well. Because it’s really important to get the whole big picture view.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah, and that’s so important. And I hope we can talk Airbus into doing more of these in the future with us. But yeah, his opinion, his insight to that side. That’s what I’m saying, like to that side of what’s happening with that toy is priceless.

It really really is and, and just like you know, you know, one of the things that we did as well with I was just thinking about the fog machine and he likes to use, you know, floggers or other implements and things like that. But sometimes it’s kind of hard if he’s actively involved with me to be using a flogger, or some other kind of tool. But with the flip receive, you know, it’s hands free for both of us. So using some of those impact tools at the same time, as you know, the fuck machine was, that was really fun. I just forgot about that. But that was, that was really fun.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah, that’s like we talked about on some misses like layering the scene, you know, like, like when you first start, you’re very excited. And you you do one tool? And that’s all you do, you know, and then pretty quick, us some misses. You never, you never know. But we’re like, wait a second, in our heads were like, that would be so much better if we had this too. Yeah, you know. So that’s when most of the time we just say that would have been better if, but if we sit in our downtime we talked about all the time, you know, and just say, hey, you know, let’s layer it with this next time, it is like, I tell everyone, it’s like a theater, like you’re working your scene to make it almost perfection, you know, because, you know, I felt like variety is good. But when you first start out, it’s not important, you just need to learn your tool, and then add to add and layer your scene, and we talked about with the F machine or the fuck machine, what things did you guys get a chance to layer it? What items did you add? And what items do you think that would be great to add to it?

Well, we we use the wand, and there was also an attachment that would hold the one. So you can be hands free, the we have to tweak the attachment a little bit because it didn’t work exactly the way we thought. But we’re still in the process of, you know, adapting that one. And also, just, like I said, using the impact tools using, you know, any temperature play during the whole thing. And we, you know, haven’t used any wax play or anything like that, while using that as a possibility to because you are, you know, really hands free. And just the different ways to do the, the DP with that machine. And the different I mean, because you can do any different positions, you can be in a chair, you can be, you know, bent over the bed, you can I mean, because it’s so adjustable. And you can add so many different elements. Because we did get the extension rod, there is an extension rod piece. So it made it even longer, which gives you a lot more options for positions.

Mr Fox   

And real quick, just I mean, I think I remember this answer from when you guys said the the Zoom meeting, but in when you say options, so when you’re adding that rod, what’s the biggest benefit

distance from the machine. So it’s not close to your body. So if I need to be closer to her, for instance, like you said up, you don’t have to worry about your legs hitting the machine or you know, being too close. So it adds believe, I want to say that’s 12 inches, an additional 12 inches onto that. And then there’s also that spring attachment, which adds like another three inches. So you can get pretty far away from machine because you know, the one thing you don’t want to do, obviously, because if it is open on the side, which is one of the things I didn’t necessarily like, you could get fingers caught in the air or whatever, you know, you got to be careful with that. But this does get you far away from your body that you can do other things.

Mr Fox   

Yeah, I remember the Zoom meeting. And that was another thing that popped into my mind. Like I was talking about the app. I really liked that feature. And when you were showing that extension and how that extension work, then you could put the machine back so her legs weren’t on it. Yeah, the machine was no longer in the way and I just thought wow, I don’t know if other fuck machines have that or not. But that was a big selling point to me. And you were demonstrating that because

that’s the last thing that I I wanted personally for it to really feel mechanical like even though it is you know, a machine but I didn’t want my feet and my legs touching the actual metal. So it felt mechanical. I wanted a more realistic feel. And that extension really gives that

Mr Fox   

right you wanted the feeling of that extra DP or that extra partner but you didn’t want to be tangled in bed with the big metal machine. You just wanted the Delta.

Little Kaninchen  

Well, for most people, some people don’t know what DP is and we keep saying depo but it’s double penetration for people that don’t understand what that means. But, you know, here we’re all married and monogamous basically and like we are are always looking for ways to give you the edge without your marriage getting cut. That’s kind of like our little lingo. So. So this is another way to get that feeling of having another partner without it hurting your marriage. Yeah. So just for people that didn’t know what the DP was.

Mr Fox   

So Eireann use that you were talking about positions a minute ago. So I’m wondering if you too, have like a favorite position that you use the machine? And like, is there a is there a go to Setup? I don’t even know if go to setups the right word. I go back to favorite because maybe it’s, maybe it’s more difficult to get it all in the favorite position. But like, what do you how do you guys use this machine? What’s your favorite way to use machine?

I don’t know if we have a favorite actually, I think it depends on, you know what I’m thinking that day. And what other things I want to fit into the scene. So I don’t know if there’s a favorite position, we’ve done both. Just her laying on her back on the floor, we’ve had a chair we’ve had on the bed. You know, so there’s a number of different ways. There’s a number of different ways you can do it. So it just depends on what you’re trying to fit in. And, and one of the things I brought up the other night, too, is you have to keep in mind that no matter what, if you change positions, you do have to adjust the machine. And that can slow down a scene which you have to be careful. You have to set some expectations, I think beforehand so that it doesn’t take her out of her her mindset. But I’m not sure we have a favorite.

Yeah, I don’t think I have a favorite just yet.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah, that might change over time, too. Yeah. And like I said, I have a favorite in my head. I have a fantasy. I have a favorite in my head in the chair backwards. Now. Like that’s, you know, like you said, you just have to probably try the machine. Like lots and lots of different ways before you have your favorite. Yeah,

Mr Fox   

it truly sounds so versatile. Like there’s so many different options. When you talk about Airbus, that’s what I get from you is that there’s just so many different ways to use it. It’s not just like straight up, but when dodo on and

no, because that’s a good point, too, is sometimes during the scene, we may change up the attachments to depending on what we’re trying to simulate. So there’s a number of different ones, some, even like, you know, the bad dragon type thing, you can’t or in her case, I can’t have a lot of movement on that. But enough that, you know, it changes her mindset again, because the bad dragons have this fantasy element, right? But you got to adjust the machine for that. And then maybe we take out and use a different type of dildo for the next part of the scene or a different position or whatever I think I showed in in the demo then that would that spring, if you have a heavier dildo, sometimes the spring is actually is bad because it’ll flex down too much. Right? So for instance, in in dog yourself, that doesn’t work really well, because spring bends too much.

So just depends on what you’re trying to do. But yes, it’s very, very versatile. Yes. And the more you use it, the easier it is to adjust.

Mr Fox   

Okay, it’s over there with a big grin on her face just like nodding her head at me.

Little Kaninchen  

I’m when Arabic speaking I I’ve seen now I mean, yeah, I watched some porn with these machines, because I have to do my research. I’m researching. So like I’ve seen a lot of the ladies have with the spring on the end. And I’m thinking and the dildos kind of soft. I mean, if you look at these videos, I’m like, That doesn’t even look like that would feel good. You know when I’ve watched that before, so but I think what you’re saying is they have the springs on the end.

Yes. And you can have the spring and sometimes the spring is nice, depending on what what attachment you’ve got, right? Because it makes it feel a little more realistic because it has some play on like a solid, you know, metal shaft. It then again, seems more mechanical, but it just depends on what attachment you’re using. Yes.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah. I can see that. Yep.

Mr Fox   

My biggest fantasies I think in having one would be to be manipulating or penetrating. Okay, well, then I can like our scenes, I want to have a challenge for her right so I can be doing other things and challenge her while she’s

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah, he loves to tighten the ship so tight, that he’ll slowly release things. Because these pent up to the point where you think you’re gonna come out

Mr Fox   

of your skin. It’s gotta be totally in it like a whole idea, right? Yep. So directions. Orgasm control. Yeah. All of that wonderful stuff. I love these conversations like I almost can’t No offense I almost can’t wait to get over so I can take okay downstairs and talk about

Little Kaninchen  

Talking guys keep talking and

Mr Fox   

do more research. Speaking of research, if you at this point, because I think you’ve used this thing plenty and again, like I think you put it through its paces service, I think you look at it and try to figure it out every way possible to make it suit your purpose, which is incredible. If you could walk into the Hi, Smith r&d department today and say, I would like to see this, what would it be? What would you add to your FAAC? Machine? If if

Little Kaninchen  

if you’re reengineering? Yeah, you know, these, you know, what would your ultimate machine look like?

Mr Fox   

Yeah, but just wondering how could they make this any better? And then we can add

Little Kaninchen  

what she would like it to feel like?

I think, feeling wise, I think it does really well, I, the couple things that I would do differently, I guess, is right, now you have to manually adjust the legs up and down, it would be very, very cool. If there was a mechanical way of doing that, too, right. So maybe another motor that tilt the back or front up and down. So you don’t actually have to go manually adjustment. I think that would be awesome. And then again, for the safety, I think it’d be really good to put some kind of guard over that open mechanical arm, just for the safety of it. Because, you know, when you’re in the heat of battle, you may or may not realize and maybe walk into it or again, put your finger in or even just lean back or something. I’d like you’re

Mr Fox   

thinking of something else might you’re doing a deep doing a DP or something? It’s like,

Yeah, but you know, I mean, those are the things I think if there’s a quick way to adjust it without having to go and stop and, you know, unscrew it and then lower and, you know, so if there’s a way to do that mechanically, which I think they could have to add a couple more motors on it. But I think that would be awesome.

Yeah, it would increase the price, I’m sure by a lot. But that would be very convenient.

Mr Fox   

We know that that thing looks like it just comes right off the legs. It looks like they could probably create a standard a different standard mechanism, or you could take their current Highsmith that you have just put it right on a different sound like an option, right? Yeah. Yeah, that’s a great suggestion. Like I said, You’ve spent, I would say a small fortune on toys, but I don’t even think I can put the word small in there anymore. I think you’ve spent a fortune on toys. You just don’t throw money at anything. You’re always doing the research and stuff. So we talked about in the beginning of this podcast that this is probably one of the single big biggest expenses on a on a toy. I mean, I think a lot of us have furniture. Now we have arm laws, we have things that did cost a lot of money. But for a toy, this is way off the chart of probably what I’ve spent on a toy. So I’m wondering now that you’ve used it, when you look at like a price versus pleasure as an investment. Is this a good investment?

Well, it’s interesting that you would ask that because initially, like she said, initially, when we first tested it, it was, quite frankly, it’s very, very mechanical, very utilitarian to see the form and function of the same. And she really didn’t like it at first. But what we realized, and what I always tell her with any of the toys we get is you can’t take it on the very first test, right? You can’t make your opinion on that. So let’s run it through its paces a little more. Now that we’ve done that, and we’ve adjusted for her in, you know, physical needs and wants. Yeah, I would easily buy another one of these. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely.

Mr Fox   

That’s pretty powerful, I think.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah. And it makes me feel as a consumer that we haven’t got one yet. Makes me feel like I’m, you know, like, okay, it’s gonna be worth it’s not going to just sit in my closet.


Mr Fox   

But it also sounds Aerobus. Like, if if I kind of paraphrase what you were saying it also sounds like it’s going to be what you make it if you just pull it out of the box, plug it in and turn it on, it’s going to be mechanical. But if you really start thinking about it, like outside of the box, like you are, you can really make it spectacular.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah, like you said using his bad dragons, like, probably a lot of people would not think about using that together. So it makes me feel like wow, that’s this, okay, this investment is gonna be okay.

Yeah, exactly. And just doing the the troubleshooting just to personalize it. And when it really is personal to you, then it creates a really, really exciting scene, because then he sees that I’m enjoying it more and he comes up with so many ways just to make the fuck machine just work really, really well. It’s very exciting. And he is the king of the mindfuck. So you never know what’s going to happen during which I love. I love.

Little Kaninchen  

And that’s the whole. That’s the whole idea is we’ve all been married for all quite a few years. And you’re like, Oh, I know what he’s thinking. I know what he says you next, but that’s what makes this dynamic. So cool, is we give them permission to be like, Hey, take that part of you, and build it and grow in it. And I don’t want to know what you’re thinking. I don’t want to know what you’re gonna do. I want it to be exciting and new and fresh. And I don’t want to know.

Yep, so exactly how I feel. Yeah,

Little Kaninchen  

it’s like, you do get a whole nother partner. But it’s the person you trust to take you on the journey. That isn’t going to drop you or hurt you. Yeah. That’s the magic.


Mr Fox   

I was surprised. Also, during the Zoom chat, how many people already have them? Yeah. Because I don’t I guess it surprises me. Since I don’t have one. Maybe I don’t, I don’t know. But it almost sounds like it’d be great to have a Zam thing where it’s like how to get started using a fax machine.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah, that would be a great thing for has dumb to do.

Mr Fox   

Yeah, how to get it set up how to try some different positions and things like that. Attachments, so you can find the pleasure in it. You know, have your own little workshop. I don’t know how to find somebody that might be anyways. Yeah. I have to give that to

Little Kaninchen  

somebody that just it’s very natural. Yeah.

Mr Fox   

I don’t know. Think about that, I guess.

Little Kaninchen  

Wink, wink. Yep.

Mr Fox   

All right. I’m gonna put you guys on the spot right here before we wrap this up, I think.

Okay. Are you ready? Yep.

Mr Fox   

So I’m just curious, it seemed like it was from a viewer or participant of the video chat, it just seemed like it went really well. It was spectacular having the dominance point of view on the toy, and kind of the research and kind of the concerns like the how I chose this and also from that perspective of using the toy and then we have the recipient’s perception of the toy right like this is this is what I thought of it these are adjustments we made or or whatever so it seemed really cool you guys seem really natural working together which you should I mean, you’ve been married for a long time you seem to gather you get so just curious Rana I don’t know if there’ll be any room in there but Aerobus I’m wondering if if you’re interested if you had a good time doing this if you’d be interested in maybe doing more couple chats in the future on like Twitter reviews

Well, I I guess I might be

I’ll make it worth your while sir.

Maybe we can then.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah, like you know the has Dom’s expanded knowledge on the other side once maybe we do our workshop on our side. They can then on Hassan go back and like do the reworking of the fuck machine and talk about the attachments and how sir Airbus took it and you know, made it special to them. And then actually physically show the other has Dom’s, those ideas. And they could bring their own machines and, you know, talk it through with Airbus, since he’s got the great engineer mind, not all of us have that. That’s a special gift

Mr Fox   

in future toys. Yeah, like bad dragon, or whatever. Like, yeah, these are my

Little Kaninchen  

example. But all of them.

Well, yeah, I’m all about, you know, the pleasure, how’s it gonna feel? And I get excited about something? And, and so what goes on behind the scenes He’s researching, he’s looking up, you know, like, all the mechanics and materials, and, you know, what would possible pain points be for me, and, you know, any allergies, any other issues, that kind of thing? And so he does all that. And I’m just like, come on, you know, give me some more. I’m chasing me. Oh, here, I think but you know,

Mr Fox   

sounds familiar. Yeah.

Little Kaninchen  

Chasing me out or trying to fight the Oh, office use my thing as I’m trying to fight it off. Now, yes.

Mr Fox   

So is there anything you guys would add to this whole fuck machine thing that we haven’t asked for? We haven’t covered here today. Is there anything you guys would recommend? Or suggestions to people?

Well, just like anything else, I think, you know, this is my opinion in my research, but obviously, go out and research for yourself, right? Spend a little time because if you’re gonna spend this kind of money, I think you owe it to yourself to do exactly that. Because maybe the things I like and this, maybe you won’t write or maybe you don’t want to have an app and you don’t want it that complex. You just want something simple and this is what we do with it. So I would encourage anybody take a look at him. Take a look at the different machines out there. There’s there are knockoffs of the Highsmith. By the way. I didn’t find them as durable, but they are a little cheaper. So maybe, you know, you balanced the value for functionality or something. Right. So I think it behooves everyone, if you’re gonna do any of this, go out, look it up yourself, go out and do a little bit of research and see what you find.

And just practice, practice, practice, keep using it. That’s my research.

Little Kaninchen  

Right, right. And that’s with like, any toy, sometimes people will try it once and kind of have a bad experience. Yeah. And I know recently, there’s been other selves, I’ve told me I’ve done we did this. And it was we didn’t have a great experience. And that kind of like, put off by it. But you know, like, keep trying, you know, like, your one experience shouldn’t define all your experience, you know?

Well, there’s so many variables when you’re trying new things, too. Because, again, maybe it just that toy, whatever it is, didn’t fit in your scene, right? Maybe you didn’t think it through? Maybe? Maybe she had things on her mind. Maybe you had things on your mind. It just didn’t work that time. Give it two or three times before you write something off. Yeah.

I mean, that’s the way we look at it. Look, it’s just like, What the fuck machine? The type of lube you use? Oh, yeah, is crucial. Like using anal lube, no matter what, how we were using the fuck machine is the was the best. And you just have to have it right there use a lot of it. And it just has to be really good loop. That was our experience. And once we really worked through that, it was it totally changed it.

Mr Fox   

Yeah, I mean, super important advice there.

Little Kaninchen  

That’s great. You know, you try and use that type of lube. When you’re using the machine anal lube, that’s, that’s of course water based. Because if you’re using silicone toys, you don’t want to use silicone, lube.

Mr Fox   

Aerobus. That was crazy. It almost sounded like you were saying that. As a dominant if you try it once you should like take ownership of something that may not work out that great, especially since we’re not experienced with it, knowing how to use it and try it at least three times is that we said like,

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah, you said give it two or three times. I was like, Oh, I like that. Yeah, that’s

a submissives perspective. Yes, but you’re exactly right on their rocks, I think, listen, as dominance, we do have to take ownership, we are supposed to be the leaders in this relationship. And you also have to take accountability. Maybe you didn’t do it right. That time. Try it again. Right.

Mr Fox   

Right. And it’s not a failure. I mean, you’ve never used one before. So how do you know what’s right or wrong? Right, like, go back reevaluate in your mind. downtime. What worked, what didn’t readjust.

Attitude was crucial in the whole experience. Because since I didn’t have when we first used it, you know, this mind blowing experience. It was a letdown. And I was all bummed. And he just took control the whole situation and said, No, don’t worry about it. This is we’re just working things out. We’ll try this. We’ll try that. And then afterwards, we just talked about the whole thing and kind of brainstormed, and he wasn’t, you know, let down at all by the experience, he says, um, you know, we’ll figure it out. And that’s why I’m here. And I was, that made me feel really good. So I didn’t feel hopeless or like, you know, we wasted a whole bunch of money.

Mr Fox   

And how do you how do you feel about the fuck machine today?

Oh, I, I really love it. It’s, I mean, all the things that he did to work around my specific issues. It took all of that away. My mindset is completely different from the start of using it now. It’s I’m in a totally different mindset. And it’s very exciting. I I absolutely love it.

Mr Fox   

So in my mind right now, we probably just covered the absolute most important lesson that a day that doesn’t even have to do with fuck machines. It’s what you just said Aerobus that you know out of the box, it may not work out the way that I wanted it to just relax we’re gonna give this a chance I’m gonna reevaluate I’m gonna find different ways to use this and it turns out to be the mind blowing incredible fuck machine that you are experienced that you thought it was going to be so like for dominants that are listening to this I think right now, whether it’s a fucking machine or a different dildo or whatever, like Airbus, just put his finger right on. Probably the most important thing you get from this entire podcast, and that is to do downtime. Ask them Questions, you know, what did you like? What didn’t you like to reevaluate to look at what you have? How can you re engineer it? How can you set up differently? How can you put it into your scene and make it flow better? So it’s kind of, it’s kind of up to the dominant? And maybe maybe you wouldn’t have found the solution, right? Maybe it’s just not the toy for you. But just to discount it after the one time isn’t the right path, either. Or you would have never found the experience that you’re having today?

Yes, that’s very true.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah, we talk about have play time versus seen time, you know. So when you first get the machine, you’re so excited, you rip it out of the box, and, like, you’re so excited about it, play with it. Like, I’m not even saying, you know, get penetrative with it, but like, really, both of you just sit and get the idea of what it doing before you actually try and use it in a scene. Yeah. So, you know, that helps a lot, too. I think about, you know, don’t just set your mind on, pull it out of the box, and then have a scene and not play with it beforehand, because that tends to be the issue. A lot of subs say while we tried it. And I’m like, Well, did you try it and play before you actually seen with it? And no, the most the time? I was like, No, he bought us a surprise. And then we got it out. And we used it. Kind of like that. And then I’m like, Okay, well play with it, like play with a little bit. Get the whole idea of the machine before you put it into play into scene. So, and that’s

exactly what Aerobus did, you know, cuz me, I’m all filled with emotion and everything else. I’m like, Oh, get it out. This is gonna be, you know, just spectacular, mind blowing. And he’s like, Okay, we have to figure out all the logistics because it’s still a mechanical piece, if you could injure yourself. So you have to be careful in that regard. But he just he took the lead. He had it all under control made me feel so much better. And if it wasn’t for that, I Yeah, that would have been a real letdown.

Little Kaninchen  

We made it. We turned it around and made lemonade, right?

Yep. Yeah. And the best lemonade.

Little Kaninchen  

To make Hard Lemonade, I like that.

Mr Fox   

This is Hard Lemonade.

Little Kaninchen  

I like it. Perfect. And, and the last kind of like little key thing that I took from the chat that was so funny, was you know, I was talking about the force because I had watched the porns with the dildos and how it didn’t seem like they’re getting a lot of thrust to it or whatever. So that was my concern. And it was funny, because I mentioned that and Reince like, oh, yeah, there’s a lot of force. The force of the machine was good. So I was like, at the end, I was like, We got to, I forgot to do it on the chat. But I was like, I was gonna tell everybody, may the force be with you. Yeah. Yeah. For all US Star Wars fanatics, that Yeah. It’ll be with you. So,

Mr Fox   

all right, I want to thank you guys for first coming on and doing the Zoom chat. And again, I can’t express how professional I think that whole zoom chat looked. I think you guys did an amazing job. And it looked like he had done it 20 times or 30 times. I mean, he just did a terrific job. I thank you guys for that. Thank you guys for everything else that you do for us. And most especially thank you guys for this podcast coming on. And I know you guys are extremely busy. You’re not even at home right now. You’re out of town. So I can’t thank you enough for taking the time out to share this with all the listeners.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah, it’s probably it’s really priceless. It’s it’s golden arteria here.

Mr Fox   

Yeah. And I also want to say hopefully, I hopefully you guys don’t mind this either. I’m sure that you don’t. But if you guys have questions, I mean, Aerobus is really done his research. And he’s also used the fuck machine already more than anybody else that I know. So he’s got more experience using it comes from an engineering background, and has done tireless research on it. So if you guys have a question, Have a suggestion. Anything you want to make any comment, you can go to Aerobus he’s part of our community, obviously. But you can contact him directly. Or even in the BDSM channel within our Discord app. When you sign up for Hassan there’s also a community that you can go to you can message him through there if you have any comments or questions or anything like that, that he might want to answer. And if you don’t belong to the community, you can also go to this podcast episode website page and you can ask questions or comments there. And the same goes for the ladies. So Brianne is in all of those same places you could contact her via discord in their appropriate, probably labeled BDSM channel on Discord, yes. Within the community, same thing, send her a private message.

Little Kaninchen  

We have a workshop group that you can join within some misses. So she posted about, you know, the chat and then she all So, you know, everybody adds to that, and puts in their reviews of their machines. So it’s not just Hi Smith, there’s other machines in there review.

Mr Fox   

Again, if you’re not a member of submissives, and you want to make a comment or ask a question, you can go to the podcast episode again, and ask questions in there. Perfect. Well, thank you guys so much. We look forward to the next toy chat. Is it every month? Every other one?

Little Kaninchen  

Yes, we do it every month. Okay. Rihanna is kind enough to give us her time to review something for us every month. And sometimes we do toy specifically a lot of the time with what we do. But then we also she also shares her experiences. In like, when we had masturbation month, you know, how to masturbate for your server and just, you know, we give pointers to and play and ideas. Because, you know, everybody needs a little help in that department to keep it fresh. Yeah. Yeah. It’s not just toys a lot of time it is. But then we also give ideas.

Yeah. Ideas about seating at home, for instance, and things you can use at home and a whole lot of things.

Little Kaninchen  

Yeah, multi-dimensional. Thank you guys. Again, thank you so much. And I

Mr Fox   

hope you guys have a nice rest of your trip.

Little Kaninchen  

Thank you do and get back safe.

Yeah. Thank you. Thanks, guys. All right. Bye. Bye.

Little Kaninchen  

Bye bye.

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